I Told You This: Free ePubs On iPad Are Go

Sunday, January 31st, 2010: How To Build An ePub eBook Library For Your iPad

So, at the beginning, it’s best to stick with free ePub. They can be moved onto the iPad easily via iTunes or drag and drop to a Shared Folder. And they can be shared with friends easily by emailing them from your Mac or providing a link to them from one of the websites below.

Boldfaced emphasis added by me.

No one — and I mean no one — believed me.

Just like no one believed me when I said iWork was coming (for over two years!).

iWork came.

And now this from Apple itself:

Click = big

Are we on the same page now?

No. I’m still ahead of you.

I know that iBooks is shit and ePub is shit and you all still have to find that out.

And this is still coming.

But go ahead. Don’t believe me.

Previously here:

Now maybe you’ll use this, huh? This Week Only: Free eBook Library For Your iPad


IDPF Screws Up ePub eBook Covers For Everyone!
iBooks: I Am Not Happy
Apple And eBooks: A Horror Story
ePub eBooks From Apple Will Use FairPlay DRM
Lie To Me, Steve Jobs

8 responses to “I Told You This: Free ePubs On iPad Are Go

  1. Mike, I believed you. Said so for ages, that Apple will repeat what it did with private mp3s being allowed onto iPods. Expected no less from Apple. On the other hand, you really want to take sole credit for a predictive no-brainer? ;-))

  2. You did not see the doubt that was out there. The frikkin tweets sent to me, the blog posts elsewhere. The no-brainer should be applied to the doubters.

  3. Pingback: uberVU - social comments

  4. What did you expect? You mix with the twittering classes, http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3139/3725811528_8f2573ace8_o.jpg – you got to put up with their emo ;-))

  5. LMAO!!! Thanks for that. Now you know I will have to tweet that too.

  6. Excellent call. And re: iWork, I was really surprised when Jobs not only showed it off at the iPad launch, but spent a good chunk of time on it. I remember thinking: Hot damn, that crazy eBook Test guy knows his sh*t! ;^)

  7. To put things into perspective: Jobs’ demoing Pages on the iPad was a bit of disappointment to me. Not because Pages is a bad app in itself, quite the contrary (and in 2+ weeks’ time it may yet amaze us with hitherto on-purpose undisclosed extra functionality), but because it represents such a traditional usage pattern, a two-dimensional MSWord-class replacement richtext editor. Compose and print to dead-tree stock; done. Whereas, simply because of its built-in promise of intimacy, the iPad represents so much more. It’s one thing to demonstrate that it is capable of creating “sequential-page garden-variety desktop-published” copy, quite another to show that, rather than being a companion to a desk-/laptop, it actually offers something more AND NOVEL on much smaller screen. I keep telling myself Apple must know this too, and is holding back on future amazing [=VisiCalc-like] applications until the product has gotten tracton in the market, when it will use the extras to maintain steady sales growth. But it sure would feel better if it came out with Son-of-HyperCard, say; or even only some onboard Evernote-like “never again forget links, quotes and margin notes you make while browsing the web” platform-wide functionality.

  8. Apple moves slowly. It’s still coming:

    Apple Will Break Open The Digital Book Floodgates

    I miss HyperCard too.